TMS Cloud
Following the implementation of a software or cloud solution, the company expects support from its partner with several requirements :
For security, flexibility and efficiency reasons, you wish to have your Treasury Management System (TMS) hosted so that you only worry about your core business, Treasury.
You want to be in compliance with all the regulations in force and The Service-Level-Agreement (the content service level agreement) is a prerequisite.
On a daily basis, you would like to benefit from support adapted to the treasurer’s day, to the needs for changes and to the updating of banking contracts (EBIC TS, Swift Net, electronic signature, 3SKEY, PKCS # 7).
Help with settings is a strong expectation from your service provider (companies, bank accounts, value sheets, update of means of payment, ZBA settings, CAMT 086 analysis, etc.)
Faced with these expectations, the company does not always know where to turn and the hotline offers show certain limits. Thus, the support expected by the company is not limited to technical support in the context of a malfunction but to real support over time to ensure the necessary maintenance and changes in a context of permanent change.

TechnoSpheris consultants; project managers, business experts, treasurers and product experts support you in setting up your CLOUD TMS:
On a PaaS (Payment as services) model, we ensure the security, compliance and availability of your TMS.
- We ensure the operating efficiency of your TMS
- We support you in management and configuration assistance
TechnoSpheris’ support missions are threefold
The implementation of your hosted TMS CLOUD solution will be carried out by TechnoSpheris and its partner Sage Cloud Operator of critical services.
Download our product sheet : TMS CLoud TechnoSpheris